Sunday, May 5, 2013

Dupe Alert: MAC Gladiola, MAC Night Blooming, and Sleek Mystic Swatches and Review

I know that I recently did a blog post on MAC's Night Blooming being a very similar, almost dupe to MAC's Gladiola. Unfortunately, Night Blooming was a limited edition color, and it is no longer available. Alas, I have discovered a cheaper dupe! I've always wanted to try some products from Sleek because they are a "drugstore"/ lower end brand in the UK but they are still affordable and close in price to drugstore products here in the US! I live on a college, so when I come across a 6$ lipstick, I am an extremely happy camper.
Mystic is the name of the lipstick from Sleek and you can spot the swatch of it in the middle. As you can see, Mystic looks a tiny smidge darker than the other two, but it's really not that much of a different. On the lips the colors are all very similar and the slight color difference isn't noticeable. If anything, Mystic is closer to Gladiola on the lips because they are both matte lipsticks, whereas Night Blooming is a semi-matte. So far, I'm really enjoying the quality that Sleek is offering for the affordable price. I have noticed that wear time on Mystic isn't the highest, so you might have to reapply throughout the day/ night. 

1 comment:

  1. Great tips! Was considering buying the sleek mystic but wasn't sure if it was good! Really like the colour! Check out my blog
